Since the Luna-Tera crisis, the virtual asset market has been showing a sharp weakness, and the public’s eyes on the blockchain project are colder than ever.

In particular, investment based on vague expectations for future technologies is no longer difficult, and even the perception that investment in Ponzi structure can make profits is becoming blurred.

Despite these difficult times, Vestore, a blockchain-based global donation culture platform, is an improved version of the platform that has been in operation for about two years

With the launch of Vestore 3.0, it is continuing its active activities by listing on top overseas exchanges such as Huobi Global and Gate Io.

In particular, the incineration policy is being reviewed to ensure stable growth and maintenance of BERRY’s token economy.

This suggests a direction for the voluntary participation of users, celebrities, and sponsors along with the global expansion of the BERRY ecosystem.

In the cryptocurrency industry, incineration is one of the representative means of increasing the value of tokens. Reduce the supply of tokens

It is a method of artificially increasing demand and increasing its value, similar to the purchase of treasury stocks in the stock market.

Veristore’s existing incineration policy is to incinerate 20% of BERRY raised through services provided on the platform.

As of July 2022, about 220 million BERRYs have been incinerated so far, which is equivalent to 2.2% of the issuance.

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