Digital Human Points as a Core Technology

As domestic game companies expand the metabus market, the so-called ‘digital human’ business is gaining momentum as they spur virtual human development.

Especially, as the potential of creating various added value in the digital world and the clear performance index for the digital human business are confirmed

In the future, digital human investment by game companies is expected to become more intense.

Crafton has launched the Z generation with a real human figure like a real person.

Crafton released the first teaser image of Virtual Human ‘Ana’ on the 13th.

Especially, it is attracting attention by targeting the Z generation with visuals that are similar to actual people.

Anna is the first virtual human to be released since Crafton officially announced its business in February.

“We have studied Virtual Human, which can act on the world stage from the planning stage and give everyone a good feeling,” said Crafton.

It introduced Virtual Human Anna, which was produced with its own technology.

Anna is the biggest difference from the existing virtual human that it is expressed in extreme reality to the skin’s fluff and fine hair with the technology of unreal engine-based hyperrealism production.


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