entrepreneur who is about to launch a business,

If you are an entrepreneur who is about to launch a business,

you would know that the best way to get traction is through online marketing. Yes, brochures and posters may still be effective, but a huge chunk of consumers would depend on online presence and reviews to know if they should buy from you or not.

This means executing various search engine optimization (SEO) efforts to show Google that your business is credible, trustworthy, and indeed, deserves to be at the top bit of the search results. 

White Hat SEO vs. Black Hat SEOHowever, with the changing algorithms, it is often hard to keep up with Google’s ever-changing top search criteria. For some people,

they go about these changes through black hat SEO techniques. 
Black Hat SEO is basically everything that goes against the search guidelines.

This includes hidden text, keyword stuffing, and any other techniques that focus only on getting crawled by search engines. Doing this will be a surefire way of getting your website penalized by Google.

White Hat SEO, on the other hand, is focused on executing clean search engine techniques. Google is always striving to deliver relevant content to its users.

They are becoming very strict with the kind of content they feature on the top of the SERPs, even going as far as creating ranking guidelines exclusively for mobile users.

To help you on your quest to rank your business’ website. Here are white hat SEO techniques that will surely get you the traction you need for successful conversions.

Create high-quality content Google wants to feature articles that add value to the web. This is why the best way to get your articles featured is to address a problem not a lot of blogs in your industry have touched upon. This tells Google that you have value to add to its users.

Another content topic would be your story as a startup. Tell your potential clients why you’ve created your products or services, why you started a company, and what your vision is for the future. 

Lastly, you want all of your content to remain useful. So, do not hesitate to update or refurbish an old content so that you can show your visitors that you are actively studying your industry and are willing to share everything that you’ve learned.

Make sure your website is mobile responsiveEver since Google first announced that content which does not translate well to mobile will no longer rank as high as before, the search engine has continued rolling out updates that favor websites that are mobile responsive. 
The most recent update on the algorithm is the mobi

le-first indexing. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, it will affect how your page will rank on the search engine. To check if your website can pass as responsive, use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

Intuitive user navigationThere is nothing more annoying than a website that is not user-friendly. There are too many pages to go to and not enough information to point you to the right landing page.

Remember that the fewer the navigation tabs, the easier it is for the user to find what they are looking for. So, make sure to condense all product information, business history, and contact details into fewer options rather than creating pages within pages for each one.

Complete your Google My Business ProfileIf you look at Google’s search results, you will notice that there are three main parts: the paid ads at the top (usually the first three results),

the organic results, and the localization at the right-hand corner — this is where your Google My Business profile will appear.

So, make sure that you complete it with accurate data like your email address, your contact number, and

your address. Also, take note that Google is experimenting on phrase-free AdWords, which will allow users to easily contact your business with one click of a button.

These white hat SEO techniques, when planned and done correctly, will slowly build your online presence. And the best part? You can execute all of these without spending a buck on tools or ads, at least, not just yet.

So, go back to the drawing board, review your website content, and prepare to follow these techniques that can surely bring you long-term results.

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